Punish the toughest bolts with 1,350 ft.-lbs Of nut-busting torque &930 ft.-lbs Of max reverse torque powered by Ingersoll Rand’s finely tuned twin-hammer impact mechanism At only 4.6 p...
39places to buy. from Rp4,329,000.81 to Rp14,573,354.99
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Punish the toughest bolts with 1,350 ft.-lbs Of nut-busting torque &930 ft.-lbs Of max reverse torque powered by Ingersoll Rand’s finely tuned twin-hammer impact mechanism At only 4.6 pounds, no other impact wrench on the market can match the combined power and weight With less weighing you down, you can work harder and faster for longer stretches of time
Features. Punish the toughest bolts with 1350 ft.-lbs. Of nut-busting torque 930 ft.-lbs. Of max reverse torque powered by Ingersoll Rands finely tuned twin-hammer impact mechanism. At only 4.6 pounds no other impact wrench on the market can match the combined power and weight of the 2235 Series. With less weighing you down you can work harder and faster for longer stretches of time. Born from the legendary durability of the Ingersoll Rand 2135 Series the 2235 push toughness to the next level. Its built with a titanium hammer case steel-wear plate and composite housing that protect the tool from the harshest environments. Every component every mechanism and every function of the 2235 Series has been pushed to the limits to ensure it always performs in the face of the toughest jobs. The 2235 Series is a finely tuned workhorse from its components to its technology to be the impact wrench you can always count on to get real work done
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